Saturday, May 9

Stress & Relief

Hi, PK & I Gal! Thanks for stopping by.

Today I'm thinking about spanking and stress relief. Yesterday was very stressful. I was waiting for word about my mom's cancer, I went to the funeral of a friend's husband and when I came out of the funeral my car battery was dead. It took about an hour and a half for the auto club guy to get there and give me a jump start. Since this was in a different city, I had over an hour's drive to get to Lash's place, missed dinner, was starting to get a migraine and just plain felt shitty! I took something for the migraine and went to bed about 8:00 pm - without my usual spanking!

Today has been a good day, but the stress from yesterday was still sitting there waiting to pop into my mind at odd times. So we tried a spanking this afternoon. Lash spanked hard but the tears wouldn't come, so we cuddled and I began to relax. Then he said that he thought I needed more spanking and gave me a few more really painful swats. Suddenly the endorphins were released and the stress seemed to recede into the distant past. I was able to cry a little, let it all go and get some sleep. I could have taken a pill, meditated, gotten a massage or had a couple of margaritas, but for me, a spanking was just what I needed to get out of that slump.

PS: The news from my mom's doctor was pretty good, I have a new car battery and I'm sitting on a stinging bottom, so life is back to normal.


ginger said...

I am so sorry about your mother. That kind of news must be awfully hard to hear and deal with, especially around mother's day.

I find with stress relief -- true stress relief that allows me to "let go' fully -- that I must be taken up top my limits, and just a teeny bit beyond, to reassert that I have NO control. For some reason, this allows the emotional turmoil and out of control feelings I have about whatever situation to come forth and out of me. And I usually need a few days of aftercare, as I tend to be kinda clingy for a day or two after (something I NEVER am normally)


Meow said...

Thanks, ginger. We're working toward the "over the top" kind of spankings, but the privacy at Lash's condo isn't the greatest and it may have to wait for sometime when he's home. I'm pretty clingy after a punishment, too. I guess I just need the reassurance that every thing's OK between us. Meow

Daisychain said...

Hi, honey, glad the news wasn't as bad as it could have been. WIll still continue to pray though; you hang on in there! xxxxxxxxx