Saturday, May 30

Needing a Firm Hand

This morning I got a spanking for problems with over-eating (and generally not taking care of myself) while I was out of town. It hurt, I cried, we cuddled and talked afterward and I felt better. Later I realized that I still wasn’t ready to let it go. Lash was napping, so I climbed in bed with him again and we talked some more.

I finally realized that it wasn’t enough to be spanked to get rid of the guilt and to say “OK, you can start over now“. Starting over usually meant several days of good intentions and then relapse into bad habits. I’m just not very self-motivated - I never have been. I work best if given boundaries and deadlines but I can procrastinate and rationalize ‘til the cows come home if it’s left up to me. Setting my own goals and boundaries just hasn’t worked.

On certain other issues Lash has been very, very strict about what is NOT allowed and knowing that his stand was firm really helped me when I was tempted to stray. I needed to know that the issue of my self-neglect/abuse was important to him in the same way that other issues were. I needed to hear him say that my behavior was not acceptable - that he would not tolerate it and that he would be not only disappointed, but angry, if it continued. I suppose my punishment might be more severe, but the main issue for me was his putting his foot down, taking a stand and sticking to it. The stronger his demand for obedience, the more I respect him and want to obey. I know it will help me with all those pesky personal health issues like diet, medication, exercise, meditation, weighing, etc.

Lash calls it ”starting a new chapter“ and I suppose we are. It’s a little like we’re writing our own DD manual as we go along. This chapter will go along for a while and then we’ll revise it or maybe delete it or maybe go on to a new chapter, leaving it ”as is“. I like making it up as we go along. It’s more personalized, more ”us“. And ”us“ is what it’s all about!


Florida Dom said...

Enjoy following your blog as you, in you words, write your own DD manual as you go along. Since every couple and relationship tends to be different, you have to find out what's best for the two of you.
but if you want Lash to demand obedience so you'll respect him more, the ball is in Lash's court to try to provide it. Demanding obedience is sometimes easier said than done, especially when you're learning new patterns. Good luck on the two of you meeting each other's needs.

Penfold said...

Hi Meow,

I understand where you are coming from. I find it really hard to either do somthings or stick to somthings. (being dyspraxic for us both that makes it harder) but I always find that if Bear sets me clear set boundries and concequences, then I stick to somthing much better, it might just be making a phone call that I need to do but keep putting off, but sturn but loving words and boundries from Bear and its done!

I know with time you and lash will find what works for you both. Enjoy the learning and dont get downhearted if something dosn'work. Keep trying new things.

Bear nd Penfold

PK said...

I am so happy that both you and Lash seem to understand this and are working on it together. This is something Nick finds difficult. For 23 years he would have never given me a direct 'order' to do or not do something. And probably I would have resented it if he had.

Now I know that is what I need on certain important things but he still hesitates. There are things I really want to change in my life and do better. I know Nick wants those changes too. If he would just tell me I HAD to - give me a direct order - I'd do it.

I can't seem to make him understand that this is not the time for polite asking or suggesting. In some things he needs to take charge.

Sounds like you and Lash are doing well!


Meow said...

Florida Dom, Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Lash is totally on board with this since it was just a matter of verbalizing what he already felt.

Penfold, Putting off phone calls is one of my bad habits, too. Having consequences does help!

PK, I'm not sure what makes Lash feel comfortable giving orders. I think he enjoys my reaction - I get very submissive and feminine when he does his "masculine" thing!
