Wednesday, May 13

Husband & wife

My post about not liking the term HOH was not meant to belittle the idea of the husband as head of the household, but to try to get to the core of what it means to us. For many years, the titles husband and wife were just words that meant we had a marriage license. I was so busy trying to find myself as a person and to define myself as daughter, mother, sister, friend, etc. that I didn't think about my role as wife. I took it for granted and even in the toughest of times, never really thought about throwing in the towel.

I struggled with my fascination with spanking, ashamed and confused. It took me over 15 years, closer to 20 years, to share it with Lash. First I had to attain some degree of comfort with it myself and that came from lurking on some of the old spanking newsgroups. Here were people who wrote openly about you-know-what. They enjoyed it, they shared their enjoyment with others and they didn't seem to be ashamed! Wow!

Finally talking to Lash about it brought some freedom, but it was never enough for me to use spanking as foreplay. There was always something missing and that was the element of true submission. Playful spanking didn't fill that place in me. Erotic spanking wasn't enough. It wasn't until I read about real-life DD that I knew where I belonged in this world of TTWD. We all know that there are as many ways of doing DD or D/s or M/s as there are people. When we finally found a niche where I was comfortable and where Lash was comfortable, we decided to label that niche "marriage" and to define ourselves as "husband and wife" for pretty much the first time. We're still working on those definitions, but I'm liking the path of finding the "wife" in me.


PK said...

I understand everything you just said. Our path has been nearly identical - except that Nick doesn't really want much to do with discipline. Foreplay, erotic spankings are enough for him and I don't think that is likely to really ever change. He has helped me with the spanking diet in the past and that may be the only thing he will ever care about. But I am really happy that you guys have a place in the DD world where you are both comfortable.


Tiggs said...

Whatever works for you is what works, without terms or labels or names. Do try not to worry too much about the verbiage... just focus on making it work to the very best for both of you!

You sounds like you've made tremendous strides within your relationship already and that is really the best that you can hope for... continued and growing closeness!

Biggest hugs and much gracias!

Meow said...

Thanks for stopping by, Tiggs. We're getting comfortable with making it up as we go along, but I still get a thrill when he calls me Wife!

PK, I was really surprised at how quickly Lash took to the idea of discipline. What was I thinking???


Daisychain said...

I feel Womens Lib emasculated men. It crushed the MAN out of them, took away their role as leader, protector, provider.... they were lost, bemused... we of the spanked wife brigade are returning to them their rightful place. I truly feel there would be fewer men uncomfortable with this if it were explained right!xxxxxxxxxx