Friday, May 29

I'm back!

I got back home yesterday after my trip to the Midwest to see my mom. I stopped overnight in the city where my hubby works and got my bottom warmed nicely as a bedtime treat. I do love going to bed with a tingly bottom. Today I work on catching up with all the items that fell by the wayside while I was gone and tomorrow.....I get to spend with Lash again!! I'll probably have to pay for my dietary indiscretions while I was traveling, but it will be worth it to have a fresh start.

PS: Thanks to Bonnie for the mention on her blog! I do love to spend time there reading past Brunches and other archived posts!!


Penfold said...

Hi Meow, sorry havnt been over to you for a while, thanks for your support.
Glad your mums doing ok now.
and congratulations on the news to.

Take care,
Bear and Penfold

Tiggs said...

Biggest hugs to you, sweet girl! So good for you to be getting what you need, and always also getting what you want, whether or not you realize it at the time!

Furry hugs!