Sunday, May 3

How did we start?

How did we start? We talked and talked and talked about DD. Then we waited while Lash recovered from minor surgery. That wait was hard for me because I didn’t know how we’d really put our ideas into reality. When he felt well enough, Lash gave me a long, long spanking to clear up all past issues. He just used his hand but covered my whole bottom and my thighs. This was our first experience with bruising (on my thighs) and we’ve tried to be very careful since then.

The next day I brought up some guilt that was still lingering and got another long spanking. This was concentrated on my tender sit spot and although memorable didn’t leave any further bruises. Since Lash was on vacation from work for two weeks, we were able to begin a regular schedule of maintenance spankings - almost daily. We finally settled on bedtime spankings for the most part, although we tried other times of the day as well. By the end of the first two weeks we were well on our way to the DD relationship we have now.


Davey said...

Thank you for the information about your beginning. It's always nice to know how people got started, How they got to the point where you know them now.
early posts from Daisy and myself contain our Beginnings, from both points of view.
Again, it's nice to meet you Meow,

Meow said...

Thanks, Davey! It's nice to meet you, too. When I first discovered blogs, I loved to go back to the first posts to read about how people started in this life and started blogging. Meow

ronnie said...

Hi Meow, I agree with Davey, it's great to know how peole started and to read and get to know them better.

If I may, I'll link you to my blog roll.


PS - deleted comment was mine, sorry.

Daisychain said...

Yes its good to find out how people started out getting their spanking need across to their partner. xxxxxxxxxxxx