Sunday, May 31

Firm Hand Starts New Chapter

MEOW-My Ever-lovin' Obedient Wife--intelligent, beautiful, sexy, feminine, obedient and submissive--what an awesome wife! And we now have a very clear understanding about her self-neglect/abuse issues. And I am right there with her, loving and supporting her 24/7/365-in spirit when we are physically separated. It is difficult for me to explain to Meow how this relationship affects me-difficult to explain the powerful masculine energy that simply flows. This a.m. my energy soared in spite of just ending a 13 hour night shift at work. I just got a 3 hour nap and I'm ready for another 13 hour shift tonight. I've explained that her obedient submissive behavior gives me energy for long talks and spankings/cuddles-it's never draining. It gives me a sense of being a true complete man with more confidence, purpose and satisfaction in my life. We are writing a new chapter in our relationship. We both enjoy reading blogs and other material to look at new ideas while we are evaluating what is, and isn't, working for us. We pick and choose what is right for us as we develop this wonderful life together. LASH


Mrs M said...

Hi Meow and Lash,

This was a very sweet and moving post Lash, I am looking forward to reading and getting to know you both better through blogging.

Your marriage seems from what I have read so far very inspirational, and I look forward to perhaps learning from you both as you grow within DD yourselves...

Keep blogging,
Mrs M x

Meow said...

Dearest Lash, I'm truly blessed to have you for my husband! Love, Meow

Anonymous said...

big smile!

ronnie said...

I'm enjoying getting to know you both.


Florida Dom said...

Lash, congrats that being in charge gives you more masculine energy to give Moew the domiance she waants. It looks like you're meeting each other's needs. To paraphrase the line line in Casablanca, this looks like the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Good luck to both of you.