Sunday, July 24

Drifting Away

     I've been drifting away on some inner sea of emotion for a few days.  I've read blogs but haven't commented, thought about posting but couldn't write.  I turned inward, away from Lash, away from life.  A simple visit to my doctor set me adrift.
     My blood pressure has been a little high for a while and I finally made an appointment to see my internist.  While I was there I asked about stopping my hormones and possibly starting anti-depressants.  A couple of years ago, I had problems when I stopped taking hormone replacements which I blogged about here and problems with depression posted here.  A flood of memories and feelings has overwhelmed me since I started talking about this to Lash and my doctor.  I keep remembering my mother's depression and suicide attempt while I was in college.  Not wanting to feel the bad feelings that were coming up, I pulled away from Lash and the good feelings, too.  
     This morning, I was quiet and withdrawn when we walked.  I really didn't want to be spanked which usually follows when we get home.  Actually, I didn't want to be held in his arms, to talk quietly, to feel vulnerable and open - which precedes the spanking.  Sure enough, the cuddling, the talking, the vulnerability brought on tears - but also relief to be able to share with Lash and ask for help. I needed Lash to be the one who pulled me back and let me know he wouldn't allow me to get lost.  I asked him to be strong for me, to be firm and unmovable when I try to withdraw.  
     I know I can handle my current problems, physical and emotional, with help from Lash and my doctor.  And I know that Lash will hold steady on the course we've chosen in our marriage.  If I start to drift away, he'll be the firmly set anchor that keeps me safe.
     Yes,  I got the spanking I needed, one of the hardest Lash has ever given me.  I cried long and hard but they were tears of relief as the thought kept repeating itself in my mind, "He won't let me drift away!"  An old habit, an old way of reacting simply won't work for me because we have a way to deal with it and Lash will not allow it to happen.  As for me, I'd much rather sit on a humming bottom all day than feel that distance between us for one minute.  


s. said...

It sucks when you feel like you're drifting, and to not know exactly how to get your boat back on course. That's when it's good to have a Captain! (or co-captain, however you choose to look at it)

Hope you feel better soon. Those feelings suck.


His First Mate said...

" I've been drifting away on some inner sea of emotion for a few days. I've read blogs but haven't commented, thought about posting but couldn't write."

I think we have all been there for some reason or another!

I'm glad you got what you needed! Take Care

Daisychain said...

Aww, honey, I am so sorry you have been feeling like that...and I am so glad you have Lash, who is indeed the anchor of stability you need.
Remember, you are very much loved, and we all hold you in great affection too. xxxxxxxxxx

findingsara said...

Meow, perhaps it will help to know you are not alone. I have sure been there, and no doubt will be again at some point. Yes it is such a relief to know they will rescue us...not let us just float away. Can I just say menopause sucks? And I am sure you know that menopause messes with depression. I wrestle with both and it's an ongoing struggle. one you will fight and win, with the professional and husbandly help you have. Keep on hanging in there! Sara

kiwigirliegirl said...

i am glad you are feeling better - you have your anchor - lash - he will keep you safe and secure.
We all have moments like these and I am glad he was there to give you what you needed.
Love and big hugs :) xxx

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon!


ronnie said...

I'm sorry you've been feeling this way Meow. Lash is there for you, hand in here.


Meow said...

Thanks, everyone! I'm feeling much better today and am working through the feelings. It helps to spill it all out here where people understand.

His First Mate said...

meow- help me out. i forget, what is meow supposed to stand for? i know lash stand for loving ass spanking husband...but what does meow stand for?

Meow said...

First Mate, My Ever-loving Obedient Wife (grin)

Ally said...

Meow, I've been away on vacation, so I am late here - I hope that by now you are feeling better. The whole drug thing and trying to figure out what is going to work for you is a tricky one. Glad you have a great hubby to be there for you. :)