Friday, July 15

A Tale of Two Spankings

I got my spanking this morning but it didn't come about exactly as I had hoped.  Lash started the morning with a comment that I took as blame and criticism.  I felt irritated and defensive and argued this issue in my mind while we went for our morning walk.  I asked him to clarify and he said that he had not meant it that way.  I believed him but still had several sarcastic comments spinning around in my head.
OK, some lessons I've learned over the years:
     1.  Everything in my head doesn't have to come
          out of my mouth!
     2.  Our marriage is more important than being
     3.  In some rare cases, Lash may be "right".
     4.  Holding on to resentment is just my ego acting
     5.  Letting go of resentment makes me feel so
          much better!

To continue:  I worked on letting go when we got home, I showered and went to wait for Lash in bed.  We cuddled, he spanked long and hard, I cried, we cuddled again and....... something wasn't right.  I knew that I was holding back part of myself.  I also knew that it would bother me all day if I didn't say something.  So I told him about it - told him that I wasn't back to being the wife he deserved, the person I deserve to be.

So, he spanked again - in a position I hate - hard spanks that hit very tender areas.  He showed me that he won't tolerate having a fraction of my submission or a portion of my obedience.  I have promised them to him and he has a right to a wife who doesn't give them grudgingly.  I also have a right to that heavenly feeling when there is nothing standing between us, no walls in my heart.

It wasn't a punishment spanking.  It was given and received in the spirit of love, in order to insure that something as small as a misunderstanding will never come between us again.  I'm sitting on a very sore bottom but I feel lighter, clearer, happier.  I know that this works for us.


findingsara said...

This sounds and 'feels' a lot like us Meow. Grant and I both work to communicate and to do whatever it takes to get US to where we want and need to be together. Spanking is a tool. When you have this level of honesty, communication and receptiveness, you don't really let yourselves get to the punishment place very often. It's really nice to see how you guys work together at TTWD! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Sara

Meow said...

Sara, Thanks! We have come a long way since we started and now know the feeling of being "together". When we're feeling separated, we know what to do - get it out in the open and deal with it! Hope your weekend is great, too!

Lash said...

Isn't my wife awesome! I am not great at blogging, but I love you. Lash

Anonymous said...

It's interesting how it takes effort to reconnect after some separation, even though you've missed each other. I'm glad you're in a better place now.

Meow said...

Mick, Thanks! It takes effort, but its worth it.

Lash, Love you, too!

Daisychain said...

*Sigh* What a lovely post! Glad you worked it out. Love you guys so much! xxxxxxxxx

Ashley said...

I think it's great that you can "ask for more" without embarrassment...I'm still not at that place.

Meow said...

Daisy, you're so sweet! Hugs!,

Ashley, I hesitated this morning, but just couldn't face the day with that barrier between us.

kiwigirliegirl said...

great post, lots of advice about what you have learned over the years. Ill take that on board for myself.
My spanking last night was punishment, but i dont feel as contrite as i should be. I didnt have a choice to submit as i so want to as he restrained me, but i still wriggled and moved this way and that.
I want to be able to submit to punishment, without fussing as hard as that is.
So i was brave and this morning i have asked him to punish me again tonight - he said he would. He was surprised but said he would. I hope he does. I need to feel fully sorry.
I love the feeling of love and respect and closeness afterwards.