Tuesday, June 30

Forgetfulness Tuesday!

I had a long "V" gratitude list ready to post - complete with pictures, but I'm here (out-of-town with my hubby and my laptop) and the post is there (on my home computer). This picture is a true image of my brain with stuff I should remember just shooting out the top, never to be seen (or thought of) again! It collects somewhere near the Van Allen radiation belt in outer space and blocks all replies to our UFO searches, causing Earthlings to feel isolated and alone in the Universe. Yes, It's all my fault!!

I want to think back gratefully to the 1950's when we had one of those old big box type TVs and the back was filled with Vacuum Tubes. I loved it when the repairman would open up the back of the TV and take out a little tube like a funny shaped light bulb, replace it and the TV would work again! Modern technology at it's best! Our radio was filled with them, too. Transistors were on the horizon, but silicone chips were just a dream. So for now Vacuum Tube is my gratitude "V" word.

Maybe I'll get my real gratitude list up by Thursday, unless I'm feeling silly again or unless I forget!


ginger said...

I've found it comes with age! LOL


Anonymous said...

I seem to forget things as well. I think sometimes I multi-task too much and burn my brain cells..


PK said...

Well at least you remembered that you forgot! I used to say my mind was like a steel trap - nothing gets in!


Mrs M said...

I think we can all relate to this in some way, but I am glad you managed to post something for us to read ;)

Hope you are enjoying your trip with Lash!

Mrs M

Meow said...

Yes, ginger it is age
kitten, it is also too much multi-tasking
PK, it's also sometimes that I just block things out
Thanks, Mrs, I'd hate to be the only one!

Hugs to all, Meow

ronnie said...

I'm forgetting things all the time Meow, P's always saying I've got a memory like a sieve.


Meow said...

Thanks, Ronnie! It's nice to be part of a group, isn't it? But the Forgetful Group isn't what we had in mind! (grin) Meow

Daisychain said...

Forgetfulness is a sign of age, so I am jolly glad I never ummm...what were we... oh, yes...memory... I definitely have one of those. I keep it in the fridge with the biscuits.. oh, no...thats milk.. yes, milk, that was it...I only use semi skimmed, its better for you....
Hugs, from me. (I have a name, its a good one too....its in the fridge with the ummm... byeeeeeeeeeeeee)

Meow said...

Daisy, You are a riot!! Really and truly LOL!!! Meow