Friday, August 5

The Path of the Paddle

I just have a couple of minutes but wanted to show you what I unpacked at the book sale this morning:  this book and one called the Way of the Paddle.  Look on Amazon and you will also see The Song of the Paddle and The Thrill of the Paddle.  Too bad they're not about....... you know.


Stormy said...

Ha ha, well I'd rather go canoeing than, you know. :)

Ashley said...

So hilarious....ever wonder how many people actually see those books and it reminds them of....well, you

Daisychain said...

Good find, Meow! xxx

Elysia said...

"It flies through the air with the greatest of ease!" lol! My mind does a double take with things like that all the time. I used to think I was the only one in the world. I guess I'm not!
BTW, I have signed up on many blogs to be notified of new posts. When I visit those blogs a second time, my name does not register that I'm a subscriber. So sorry to you and all if I miss your posts. Any ideas what's wrong?

Susie said...

LOL! Bill Mason is actually a very famous guy in the canoeing world. The last time I told a friend that we were going paddling for the day, I accidentally got all embarrassed and she asked what was up. If only she knew...

Katherine said...

LOL.....True.....Funny how I can't even look at wooden spoons in the same way when I'm out shopping anymore because, well, you know.

K's sweetie said...

Spoken like a true "spanko"!

Chief said...

LOL! The "Thrill" of the paddle... I can fully understand ;)