Saturday, November 28

Our Holiday (including spanking)

"With Thanksgiving around the corner,
I thought this would be a good time
to review my estate plan."

I know this is a little late, but when I saw it, it expressed my feelings exactly!  We've talked to several investment advisors, insurance agents, our lawyer and each other until we're blue in the face and I finally feel like I have a glimmer of what we need to do to get ready for retirement!  No wonder we've put it off so long.  It's confusing, scary and full of tough decisions about the future.
And now I'm Thankful that we did it!
For me, knowing is better than not knowing.

Which brings me to the end of my last post.  Lash was waiting for me upstairs and I knew there was going to be a spanking but didn't know what kind.  I joined him in bed, we cuddled and talked.
Eventually we came to the usual question:
"Is there anything you want to tell me?"
I hate that question!
So I talked about my behavior last week, how I'd been crabby, snippy, sarcastic, angry, pulling a lot of old behavior and being generally nasty.
Then came the BIG question:
"Do you think you were being loving and respectful?"
"Nooooo, I hate it when I act that way!"
So I got the spanking I hoped for followed by the spanking that I needed.
That's another thing I'm Thankful for -
that I get the spankings I want
and the spankings I really, really need!
I cried before and after and felt soooooo good!

That was Wednesday.  Thursday, we spent the day with our daughter and SIL.  They had planned to cook, but the news about her gestational diabetes, her meeting with a dietician and learning to use the glucometer and food plan made her forget to thaw the turkey.  Our SIL who was planning to cook the turkey didn't get home from his job (across the state) until late Wednesday night.  So we all went out to eat at Village Inn where the other three had turkey dinners
and I had a Cobb Salad!
We had a great day with no pressure,
watched a movie, visited and relaxed.
On Friday, we picked out paint for the nursery -
7 weeks and counting!

Today, Lash packed up and went to his new job.  It's only 6 night of work but he's happy to get back into the swing of the workplace.  We had a lovely goodbye spanking this morning!  I absolutely love my man when he tells me to join him for a spanking.  It wasn't too hard, but it wasn't gentle either, so I'll remember it all day.  Mmmmmmm!

So I'm counting my blessings today.
Spankings - which leads to
Our rejuvenated marriage
Our healthy daughters and SIL
Our (sort of) healthy moms
Extended family
Beautiful weather
A warm house
Good food
and retirement
(some day)


Janet said...

Is this your first grandchild? What a blessing. Our second grandchild is due in 7 days. But it will be the first one born close by. I am so excited!

Glad Lash is taking such good care of you!

Lash said...

What a Wife!!! I am blessed. I love you!

Meow said...

Janet, Yes, it's our first grandchild and they live about 3 hours from us so we're pretty close. Enjoy your new grandbaby!

Lash, Hugs and hope you're having a good night at work!


strivingforpeace said...

It's so easy for us all to get wrapped up in making the holiday perfect -- when it's really the people around us that make it wonderful.

Happy Thanksgiving to you both

strivingforpeace said...
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Anonymous said...

Good for you Meow! Thanks so much for posting those wonderful details that make us spankos happy! Go Lash! I love how you made it work - great funny stories for the year to come! Enjoy your quiet time this week. KayLynn

Anonymous said...

I just smile when I read your posts meow. I'm glad to hear that things are going well.


ronnie said...

Lovely post Meoew. you sound happy.

Love to you both.

Meow said...

strivingforpeace, You are so right. Nothing was important to us but seeing our kids happy and healthy.

KayLynn, It's funny how we can laugh at some of the hardest punishments when they're over. I guess that means we've put it behind us and hold no hard feelings. I love that part of DD.

Kitten, Thanks! Things are going well for us in spite of recent stresses. Somehow DD adds an extra element of comfort that soothes us both.

Ronnie, We are happy and feel more settled with the future now.

Hugs, Meow

Anonymous said...

great summary of the good things in we should all do now and then... Spankings help rejuvenate the sexual aspect of our lives. It works for many couples, for both people on both sides of the hairbrush.

Meow said...

Thanks for stopping by, Red! I popped over to your blog, too! Fun! Meow

s. said...

Wonderful blessing list! R's job is starting to send him out of town again now that things have picked back up and I am dreading it. :(

As for the snippiness.....I can relate to that too. The stress of the holidays, and the endless scheduling can make us grumpy!


Daisychain said...

Lovely post, Meow!
I'm so pleased things are going well. Grandchildren are a wonderful, joyous blessing, the best there is!!
I am feeling a little out of the loop these days; nothing to report, we are still apart, and since I haven't seen Davey since our wedding, 9 months ago, its difficult to come up with something to write....
Hugs, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Meow said...

s., We really appreciate our time together when we know that we will have times apart. Good luck with your separation times.

Daisy, Now that it's almost time for the baby to come, I'm looking at everything in a new light - from a baby's point of view - next Christmas!!!

Hugs, Meow