Wednesday, October 21

Rant Over - It's Safe Again

     I've decided to leave my last post online but post again to say I'm feeling better and will stop whining!  Thanks to those who commented and encouraged me to keep blogging or take a break if I needed one.
     I think I'm coming down with a cold - I hope that's all, I haven't had my flu shot yet.  When I started catching up on blogs this morning, everything I read just made me feel so old and hopelessly behind the times.  That always gets me into a funk and makes everything look bleak.  Lash was out of the house - at the doctor's office for a long-lasting cough - and I got into self-pity and some self-disgust kind of thinking.  So.... whine, rant, pout and you know the rest!
     Part of the self-disgust came from overeating while we were on our mini-vacation and gaining back some of the weight I'd taken all summer and fall to lose.  Today it's high fiber, low carb protein shakes all day and a regular meal tonight.  Being hungry makes me whine and pout, too!
     Lash came home and gave me lots of hugs and I got cyber hugs from some online friends and a new "delurker",  Janet!  I was reminded that I don't have to be or do anything to be part of this community and I don't have to feel "less than" because I'm different.  I spent too much of my life doing that!
     As Daisy said in her comment, some people have the ability to write posts that sizzle and I certainly enjoy reading them, but ours just perks along without much razzle-dazzle.  I'm happy with my life the way it is - a couple of old fogies with an added twist!  I just needed the reminder of how lucky I am!  Thanks!!


Janet said...

I'm so glad you are feeling better!!! There's always stress relief spankings if things get to bad! LOL

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better. I enjoy your blog!!

ronnie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ronnie said...

Meow, I am glad your feeling better.

Just read your other post and I say rant away to your hearts content if you want, it's your blog and your writing for you.

Personally I like to read about your life and what interests you and Lash so I hope you keep sharing with us.

Love to you both.

ronnie said...

Meow, sorry, deleted comment was mine, forgot to say.


PK said...

I missed you last post somehow. How many time have I thought I haven't got a thing to say that anyone would ever want to read. I blog about work or the kids and then think - wait this is supposed to be a spanko/sex blog - who wants to hear about my work and kids. Then I'll have more comments on those than the sexy stuff.

Finally I decided I was just talking to friends but friends with whom I could share my love of spanking. Can't do that just everywhere. I also will discuss my sex life in a bit of detail at times because before I began blogging our sex life was not good. When I came here and began talking to other I felt a bit like a teenager who had just discovered sex and I enjoyed the acceptance to discuss it here if I wanted to. So I guess I'm saying I like what you write about because I see you as a friend. If you want to talk about gardening that's great, if you want to talk about sex toys that's great. Shoot, I just come by to visit.


Measha said...

Glad to see your feeling better. A Dip in the pool of self pity isn't so bad, so long as it's only a dip. :-)


Katia said...

Glad to see you are feeling better too. :) Every now and then it feels good to just download, and blogs are the perfect place to do it. Hope Lash and you both get to feeling better soon


Sara said...

Meow, I guess some days just go like that? I promise, we don't meet ANY of the criteria you cited earlier for young and exciting folks either. Hey...wait...are you calling us boring? ;)

Anonymous said...

Meow, when I read the previous column,I was wondering what was bringing on the rant, and it sounds like you identified it pretty quickly yourself.

I don't always comment, but I follow your blog regularly. I appreciate your writing and am interested in hearing about you.

I don't publish pictures, either, and I don't write fiction--although I've got one I've been thhinking about putting up. And I SURE don't shave.

I write because I need to sort through this stuff. In a more open world, we could all speak to our friends frankly about it, but it's not happening, so I appreciate getting to process through my writing.

I'm sorry you're feeling crummy and I hope you start getting better. I encourage you to keep writing.

Florida Dom said...

Meow: Just wanted you to know I actually find your blog quite interesting. I think the journey of a couple who've just discovered they like the lifestyle and how it impacts their lives is worth reading.

Even when you're feeling down, it's nice to share and know how you feel. In the so-called real world, when someone asks how we're doing, we tend to say fine even if we're hurting inside. In the blogging world, people tend to let their hair down.

I started my blog posting my Lisa stories but haven't written a new chapter in a while but bloggers tend to stop in when I bring up various topics, including, yes, shaving.

In the end, just write what you want to write. Don't worry about whatever anybody else writes.

And if all else fails, as Janet and Daisy, have suggesed, I think it's time for Lash to do some relief stress lashings. LOL.