Lately, after reading a lot of very diverse points of view, I started feeling exactly the way I sometimes feel offline: like there's no one out there like me, that I'm hopelessly out of touch, that stating how I feel is somehow wrong. I get these periods of self-doubt and it's good to have a place to express them. They always pass, but it's good to know I'm not alone in these feelings. Thanks to Janet, Sarah, Measha, Hermione, Katia, Daisy, Maryann, Ally, Chloe, pb, Ronnie, PK, lil miss trouble, Florida Dom, Sara and Mick. You all made my day brighter by your comments!
I also want to say that the list of "things I don't do" in my rant wasn't a list of things I disapprove of or don't like. Some of them are things I just don't have the talent, time or inclination to do like writing erotic fiction, going to parties or using harsher implements. Others just aren't a turn-on for me or just don't fit the style of this blog. I really do enjoy reading all the blogs out there - many more than I can list in my blogroll.
One last thing about Florida Dom's post about genital shaving - I made a second comment to this post which I'll quote here because it's been on my mind:
"FD, This a touchy subject for me - the blurring of the lines between women and children. I know most people don't see genital shaving in that light and I'm happy for them. The flip side of the problem is children who dress and behave as adults. I really hate to see a 10 year old girl dressed in a skimpy top and skin tight jeans. I guess I'm lucky that my daughters weren't into that, but some of their friends were and it was very sad.
One more note: Do any guys out there shave "down there"? I've had my share of pubic hair in the mouth and I guess I can live with it as long as it goes both ways. Maybe another topic for you, FD?"
Bye for now!
Interesting. I did not comment on FD's question. I am just not going to openly discuss very private things. I mean...I talk about so much, but certain things ARE still personal. I will say, however, I agree that it feels yucky to me to read or think about "daddy - little girl" scenarios, and shaving there does seem a return to pre-pubescent sexuality and for that reason is not comfortable. I am not saying it represents that to everyone, but it sure is not how adult women really are!
You know... Antonio does NOT shave down there, though he has said he is willing to try sometime if I want.
I'm saving that little request for sometime really "good."
I haven't figured out quite what that IS, though... Hrm.
Also, you've inspired me to post! Yay!
Like I stated before, we all do DD differently. Not wrong or right, just different, which goes without saying that with our different ways of doing things our likes and dislikes will be different as well. Also what we are comfortable discussing and not discussing won't be the same. Wil has an alternative punishment that I submit to and accept but you won't see me blogging about it anytime soon, but thats just me. So don't be hard on yourself or your blog just do your best, be honest and enjoy sharing your life with us all out here in cyber space.
Auntie !!!!!!!!
Yes, there are men that shave down there and other places too. They call it manscaping. Idk, it makes them happy, go for it.
Daddy/little girl creeps me out on every level. Especially when grown women put on school girl outfits. I think it encourages a particular type of sexual-deviancy and is reprehensible but that is me. And yep, I said deviancy, not fantasy.
As for the shaving thing, it is simply a hygienic choice for me. I participated in a dance troop years ago. Not related in any way to wanting to look like a little girl.
I do understand that you are not knocking shaving or those of us who do it but I did want to say, I never once thought of it being a pre-pubescent look. I'm a 52 year old, graying, sagging, middle age lady. No one is ever going to see me as a little girl again no matter what I shave! LOL!! The smooth feeling is sexy to me and yes Nick does sometimes do a little trimming on himself. Those hairs in the mouth are just not fun!!
Dear Meow,
Thanks for the shout out. Your original rant sure stirred up lots of us. We are more alike than we are different, at least in our normal human insecurities, curiosities, and in our compassion and community. I'm happy you are my blog buddy.
Meow: I'm glad you spoke up and expressed your feeligs. That's the great thing about blogging. You can say what's on our mind and know it's reaching other bloggers who will give you positive feedback. I think it's good to express yourself when you feel down about something.
And remember, there's no right way or wrong way to do things in this lifestyle. We're all consenting adults and what you like and dislike might be different than what somebody else might like or dislike. To use an old line that was supposedly said by an England matron, as long as it doesn't frighten the horses, it's fine.
Its the same way about what people want to reveal about themselves. It's whatever people are comfortable with.
Anyway, keep blogging and we'll keep reading.
And I will do a post on whether men shave. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. And I'll try to see if some women who don't shave will post. I'm sure Meow you're not the only one.
Sara, I feel "squiffy" about age play stories, too. But I'm learning that not all shaving falls into that category. I guess I've read too many stories that mesh the two ideas.
Chloe, I hope the "good" time comes soon. Antonio better watch out! I'll pop over to read your post!
Janet, I sometimes hint at our sex life, but no details. I guess I don't think it would be very interesting since, as you say, everyone has their own likes and dislikes. I respect that you have very private stuff that is just between you two. So do we!
CD, Manscaping! I love it! My only experience with shaving was when giving birth and I hated the feeling, so... my prejudice, I guess.
PK, I agree. Shaved or not, I'd never look pre-pubescent! In fact, I wouldn't look anything but what I am!
Maryann, Thanks! You're a great blog buddy, too!
FD, I'll look forward to reading about men shaving. I've seen the hairless look of body builders and the very hairy look of some men. I really do wonder how men handle all this! Women have certain social guidelines that we follow (or not).
Hugs to all, Meow
First, I agree with other comments about comfort levels and the unique thumbprint we each have. It is your uniqueness that makes life so damned interesting. Sadly, especially when it comes to sexual preferences, we have a lot of misconceptions and guilt. I totally agree that little girl scenarios are creepy. When it comes to consenting adults, though, the only boundaries should be humanity and your own personal conscience and preferences.
To address the hairy hair question, my wife and I both keep our pubes very short. It has nothing to do with age play in our case either. We just like it better that way, partly because oral sex is more pleasant. Also, I shave my balls because she likes to lick and suck them. She has never asked or suggested I shave there, but I knew by shaving I would make her experience more pleasurable, and therefoe get more of what I wanted from her (and I do!!!).
Tom, Thanks for your comment! I'm hoping Florida Dom will do a post about male shaving soon. You can lead the way! Meow
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