Wednesday, July 22

Grumpy Meow

Thanks to all who sent good thoughts after my last post. My procedure went well and I got a lot of rest for a couple of days. Then we helped our daughter and her husband move into their new home over the weekend. It was exhausting and I probably did more than I should have. (I can hear Lash in the background saying "Probably?".) We got home on Monday and I had a "social activity" that afternoon. Yesterday we had company from out-of-town which meant cleaning the house, preparing food, etc. Our guests were not close friends, but one of Lash's former co-workers and his wife and their two grandchildren who were vacationing in our area.

Now here comes the Grumpy part! Ever since my surgery, I've had an unrelated problem with my stomach. It ranges from annoying to irritating to miserable. Yesterday I was miserable, but I plugged along getting ready for guests that I didn't invite and didn't care about seeing. They arrived and since they'd been camping we let them shower and change in our guest room. Then we visited and cooked and ate. I like the guy Lash worked with but his wife is something else. She wouldn't drink the wine we had - she doesn't drink red wine and our only single serving container of white wine wasn't good enough for her. We put the meat back on the grill 3 times because it wasn't done enough for her. She made little remarks about the food - had I made this or that? - No, I had bought most of it ready-made so that I'd have time to clean the frakking house!! I smiled and tried to be polite. By the time the evening was over I went to bed exhausted, frustrated, in pain and near tears.

Another complaint, while I'm at it! No spankings!!! Lash has offered and been supportive, but my stomach hasn't been up to our usual OTK position. I'm trying a new medication and hoping that today will finally be the day that we get back to spanking again!

Lash has been my ray of hope in this mess of a week. He has been unfailingly sympathetic and understanding and yesterday he bought me roses - not for our guests, but just for me. I put them in a room that the guests didn't see because I didn't want to dilute the joy I got from them by sharing.

And..... so far this morning, no stomach problems!! Maybe the Grump is leaving!


ronnie said...

God don't you just hate people like that. Sending big hugs Meow and one for Lash.


PK said...

Grrrrrrrrr... too bad she couldn't be spanked, and I don't mean a GG! After allowing them in your home to shower even. Not cool, not cool at all to act the way she did.

So blow her out of your mind completely - laugh her off and be happy that your stomach feel better today. I hope those problems are behind you and I hope that you can get another 'pain' to take it's place.

Stay well!


Anonymous said...

Oh my! I'm sorry you had to deal with such a pain in the butt!! I think her hubby needs to give her a punishment spanking for being so rude. I'm glad to hear that your stomach is feeling better today. Enjoy your roses!!


A said...

Sorry for the icky guest. I hope she doesn't have to ever come back, I hate guests that do that.

Glad you are feeling better! :)

Florida Dom said...

Meow: Sounds like that woman was the guest from hell.

But congrats to Lash for getting the roses. I always tell guys you can never go wrong with flowers.

Meow said...

Thanks Ronnie, PK, kitten, Amber and Florida! She will definitely NOT be coming back to our house! I wish we'd met them at a restaurant, but we wanted to offer the shower. And they did appreciate getting cleaned up. After getting it out of my system with this post, I've been pretty calm and forgiving today! Meow

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your flowers and keep healing. I hope you are back to yourself very soon.
Thanks for writing to us. :)

ginger said...

awwww...feel better Meow!


Katia said...

Meow, Sorry you had to deal with such nasty guests. You have more patience than me. I don't think I could have been so kind. I am glad you are feeling better, nothing like roses to make you smile.
